Linking Snippets 🔗

Linking Snippets groups them and allows you to tab between them

  1. Open Snippet 1
  2. Click the "Link Snippets" button in the right controls

<img src="/assets/images/LinkSnippetsButton.png" alt="Link Snippets Button Image" width="400" />

  1. Click "Manage"
  2. Select the Snippets you would like to link to
  3. Click the green tick button to confirm selection

Linked Snippets will now be available as tabs

<img src="/assets/images/LinkedSnippets.png" alt="Snippet Tabs Image" width="600" />


Unlink Snippet

  1. Click the "Link Snippets" button in the right controls
  2. Click the "Unlink" button on the target Snippet

<img src="/assets/images/UnlinkSnippet.png" alt="Unlink Snippets Image" width="300" />
